In 2012, the Colorado Legislature passed HB 12-1278, which commissions a study of the interaction of the South Platte alluvial aquifer by the Colorado Water Institute at Colorado State University.
This website was created by the Colorado Water Institute to keep interested parties informed on the products, processes and actions taken as the study unfolded.

In this website, you will find information about:
- the Study
- Background about the physical setting of the South Platte River Basin and the history of surface and groundwater use in the South Platte Basin
- Resource material for further study and research
- Findings
- Stakeholder Input
Latest News
South Platte Google Earth Flyover
Learn more about water management in the South Platte on this virtual tour!
Animated History
Animation artist Noah Besser worked with Colorado Water Institute to produce this animated history of the South Platte River and its alluvial aquifer.